Minor Surgery

We also take care of so-called „Minor Surgery“, including the removal of infected epidermoid cysts, lipomas, the operation of ingrown nails, or the implantation of catheters into blood vessels that can be necessary to perform a chemotherapy. Most of these procedures can be carried out as outpatient procedures. We are glad to give you our advice.

Epidermoid Cysts

These cysts arise from the skin and contain keratin. They are often located on the head and in the neck, but can also be present on the entire body. Very often patients report that the size of the cyst varies over time. While the cyst alone usually does not cause symptoms, these cysts can get inflamed and then become very tender, red, swollen and fever and sickness can develop. Sometimes the cysts rupture in this situation and pus is draining from the opening. Particularly if the cysts are becoming inflamed, you should come and see us. We then have to decide whether the cyst should first be drained e.g. together with a treatment with an antibiotic, or if the entire cyst can be removed right away.


Lipomas develop when fat cells lose the control over their proliferation. They very often can be felt underneath the skin as soft, moveable humps. Depending on their size, these lipomas can become symptomatic and should then be removed especially if they show a tendency to grow. Most of these procedures can be carried out under local anesthesia as outpatient surgery.

Ingrown Nail
(Unguis incarnatus)

In most cases the big toe is affected. This situation occurs when the nail of the big toe is not cut straight but rather curved, so that the skin on the sides can grow over the lateral edges of the nail and these edges then are growing into the skin. This starts an inflammation that can become very severe and leads to significant pain. In such cases, it can be necessary to take away a piece of the lateral nail in order to narrow the nail and to avoid the nail growing into the skin again. This usually solves the problem.

Port Catheter

In order to make a chemotherapy it can be necessary to have direct access to big blood vessels to bring the medication into the blood stream. This can be achieved by introducing a catheter via a vein in the shoulder area that is then positioned with its tip in the big vein just above the heart. This catheter is then connected with a chamber that is implanted right under the skin and can be easily connected to the application system whenever the medication should be delivered. These procedures are usually carried out as outpatient procedures. Please talk to your oncologists whether such a catheter might be helpful in your situation.

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