In- and Outpatient Treatment in the Department of Visceral Surgery at the Klinik Josephinum in Munich (33)

The Hospital

The Klinik Josephinum was founded 125 years ago in 1893 and has preserved what other, big hospitals have lost. In the charming Jugendstil building, located in the heart of Munich and close to the English Garden about 4.400 patients are treated on an inpatient basis per year in one of our 68 modern room. In terms of the medical treatment, our patients benefit from the close connection of the different departments and the clear structure of our hospital. The intense collaboration of our colleagues from Visceral Medicine (Surgery, Gastroenterology, and Oncology) and our physicians from Radiology and Anesthesia allows a prompt diagnosis and an immediate planning of the necessary treatment including a potential surgical intervention.
Our physicians provide the experience and skills from long-term leading positions at big medical centers and universities in order to assure optimal treatment according to state-of-the-art knowledge and techniques. Our patients have a constant contact person from the preoperative consultation in our outpatient clinic throughout the entire hospital stay and the postoperative visits in our clinic. This generated confidence and prevents the loss of important information. In addition, first-class care provided by our professional nursing staff accelerates your recovery.


The structures of the Klinik Josephinum allow optimal patient care in collarboration with the following departments:

  • General and Visceral Surgery
  • Gastroenterology
  • Oncology
  • Anesthesia
  • Radiology (including CT and MRI scan)
  • Orthopedics
  • Neurosurgery
  • Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine
  • Laboratory and Blood Bank
  • Intermediate Care Unit
  • Physiotherapy

The Outpatient Clinic

Our integrated outpatient clinic located inside the Klinik Josephinum allows comprehensive diagnostics and treatment including outpatient visits before and after your hospital stay. The cooperation with our colleagues from the Department of Gastroenterology, Oncology, or Radiology helps to make interdisciplinary decisions even on short notice. During your entire treatment, a constant surgical specialist is planning your treatment together with you and is available in case of any questions, not only during the time of your hospital stay, but also during pre- and postoperative visits in our outpatient clinic.

Your Hospital Stay:
Optional Services for a Maximum of Comfort

In the Klinik Josephinum all patients can choose from optional, non-medical services to increase their comfort during the hospital stay. For instance, you can choose a one-bed room to have more privacy and you can also visit our comfort lounge, where you can relax while enjoying your coffee, tea, or newspaper.
Some of our optional services are covered by private health care insurances. However, if this is not the case, patients are welcome to choose these options and cover the costs themselves. We are glad to help you with this issue.

We treat patients of all health insurances.

Examples for non-medical optional services:


  • Comfortable one- or two-bed rooms
  • Spacious closet
  • Separate writing desk
  • Telephone
  • TV, DVD, Audio-System
  • Access to the Comfort Lounge


  • Variety dishes and soft drinks
  • Pastry and coffee in the afternoon
  • Care products
  • Newspapers

Excellent Cuisine

Our professional kitchen staff provides you with freshly prepared and varying dishes to enhance your recovery. Only fresh ingredients and preferably local products are used in our kitchen in order to supply you with all necessary vitamins and micronutrients. In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, we also provide Mediterranean and vegetarian dishes.

Schon- und Diätkost

Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane können eine spezielle Diät erfordern, zumindest vorübergehend. Auch in diesem Fall sind Sie in der Klinik Josephinum in besten Händen. Von leichter Kost über Schonkost bis hin zu Reduktions- und Diabeteskost reichen die indikationsspezifischen Kostformen. Gemeinsam mit den Diätassistentinnen der Klinik stimmen wir die Speisen auf das individuelle Befinden des Patienten ab.

Zu speziellen Kostformen, wie beispielsweise eiweißarmer oder glutenfreier Kost, beraten Sie die Diätassistentinnen der Klinik gerne in einem individuellen Gespräch. 

Selbstverständlich werden in der Küche des Josephinums die geltenden Lebensmittelhygieneverordnungen penibel eingehalten.

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How much does my hospital stay cost?

Our hospital is reimbursed for your treatment in the hospital by a fixed amount based on the so-called Diagnosis Related Groups, that depends on the diagnosis, type of surgery, your medical condition, etc.. If you do not have any insurance, we need a payment in advance, that has to be calculated for you individually. If you are covered by private insurance, medical services will be charged by your individual physician.

How much is a one- or two-bed room?

If your insurance covers one- or two-bed rooms no additional costs will arise. However, you can also choose a one- or two-bed room and pay this on your own. If necessary, even an additional person can check in together with you. Please inform us well in advance, so we can make sure to have the requested room available. The current costs can be found on the homepage of the Klinik Josephinum.​

You find our outpatient clinic in the Klinik Josephinum in the heart of Munich. Thanks to the location, the clinic can easily be reached with public transportation.

Ihre Anreise

By car

Parking space in front of Schönfeldstrasse 16 is very limited. However, you can use the parking space at the Haus der Kunst in Prinzregentenstrasse 1 (walking distance 5min).

By car

Parking space in front of Schönfeldstrasse 16 is very limited. However, you can use the parking space at the Haus der Kunst in Prinzregentenstrasse 1 (walking distance 5min).

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