Department for Visceral Surgery in Munich

As specialists for visceral surgery we are happy to help you in case of any disease of an abdominal organ. Besides the treatment of gallstones and hernias, we are focusing on the treatment of diseases of the small bowel and colon, the rectum, and the appendix.

If you have an inflammation or even a tumor of the bowel, you are in best hands in the Department of Visceral Surgery of the Klinik Josephinum. Especially in the case of complex diseases, like colorectal cancer, an interdisciplinary approach is of utmost importance to ensure a successful treatment. The close collaboration with our colleagues from the Departments of Gastroenterology and Oncology as well the possibility of short-term CT- and MRI-studies carried out by our expert radiologists in our hospital represent optimal conditions to achieve this goal. Of course, all treatments and operations follow state-of-the-art standards and techniques, so that most of the procedures are carried-out by minimal-invasive, laparoscopic techniques. This assures fast recovery and optimal results.

In case of any complaints, please do not hesitate to contact us. Meaningful diagnostics and planning of the best individual treatment are possible at short notice in our institution.

Our Focus in Visceral Surgery

Colorectal cancer

Malignant tumors (so-called cancer) of the bowel are most commonly located in the colon and rectum, while cancer in the small intestine in very rare. As long-term staff members of two big colorectal cancer centers, we are specialized on colorectal cancer treatment and we perform colorectal cancer surgery with big routine and expertise.

The close interaction with our colleagues from the Departments of Gastroenterology, Oncology, and Radiology is very helpful for us. This allows us to develop an individual and stage-dependent treatment-plan for each patient according to the most recent guidelines and using state-of-the-art surgical techniques. All this is of utmost importance to assure the best results and oncologic prognosis.

In particular, we want to point out the importance of early screening for colorectal cancer by colonoscopy.


A bulging of the bowel wall, also known as diverticula, are normally harmless and commonly identified during colonoscopies. It is a different story, when these diverticula are getting inflamed. Then, they can cause severe symptoms and we are then talking of a so-called diverticulitis.

If a diverticulitis cannot be successfully treated with medication or complications, such as abscess formation or perforation, occur, patients usually have to undergo surgery.

If you suffer from diverticulitis and whether surgery should be recommended in your specific case, depends on several factors and is a very individual decision to be made. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very happy to discuss this with you in detail.

Chronic inflammatory bowel disease

Chronic inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn´s disease or ulcerative colitis frequently require the removal of the affected piece of bowel. Although it is a chronic disease, it can be important to treat subsequent complications of the disease by surgery, such as abszesses, fistulas, or stenosis by surgery, in order to allow a successful medical treatment afterwards, thereby achieving a long-term healing from the disease.


In addition, we see a lot of patients with an inflammation of the appendix and we therefore perform appendectomies very frequently. The big advantage of your relatively small institution is, that we are very fast with the diagnosis in such emergencies and we are able to perform the necessary operation immediately in order not to lose any important time. 

The procedure is usually carried out by a minimal-invasive, laparoscopic procedure, so that our patients leave the hospital approximately two days after surgery

Whenever possible we perform surgical procedures by state-of-the-art minimal-invasive, laparoscopic techniques. Furthermore, we use so-called enhanced recovery protocols during the postoperative course, in order to speed up the recuperation of our patients.


As proctologists, we also offer the entire treatment options of proctologic diseases of the anal canal and rectum, such as the operative treatment of hemorrhoids, fistulas, fissures, thrombosis of perianal veins, as well as the prolapse of the anus or rectum.

State-of-the-art surgical techniques

In the Klinik Josephinum our focus during and after surgery is to minimize the trauma and postoperative pain. Whenever possible and reasonable, we use minimal-invasive surgical techniques, associated with the use of only very small incisions. This does not only guarantee faster recovery and better cosmetic results, but also shortens the duration of the hospital stay.

In case of colorectal cancer, it has been demonstrated that minimal-invasive techniques result in a better oncologic prognosis in a subset of patients compared to patients who underwent open, conventional surgery. We are glad to discuss with you whether surgery can or should be carried out by minimal-invasive techniques in our particular situation.

Several minor surgical procedures can be carried out as ambulant, outpatient procedures.

Don´t hesitate! It´s all about your health!

Besides age, gender, nutrition, etc. many factors contribute to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, hemorrhoids, are an endemic disease affecting many individuals in our society. Furthermore, changes of bowel movements or blood together with or on the defecation can be signs of colorectal cancer, that can be treated successfully, when the diagnosis is made early enough.

Unfortunately, many patients are too shy to talk about these issues and are afraid to see a doctor and to undergo the according examinations. But that’s not the way it has to be! We see patients with these problems every day and take your concerns very seriously. We are focusing on you, your complaints and sorrows, and together with you, we will make an individual treatment plan. So don’t hesitate!!! It´s all about your health!!!

We are a team of highly qualified surgeons with long surgical experience working with state-of-the-art techniques.

We are a team of highly qualified surgeons with long surgical experience working with state-of-the-art techniques.

What does “visceral surgery” mean?

The Latin word “viscera” means “intestines” or “organs”. Visceral surgery comprises the surgical procedures of all abdominal organs, such as the intestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, colon, rectum and anus), the liver, the gallbladder, the pancreas, and the spleen.

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